The Personal Brand & Identity Programs

Managing Your Personal Brand

"The difference between "unnoticed" and being "unforgettable"
can literally mean millions of $ in lost oppertunities!

Shannon Smith

Personal One – On -One Coaching

for Men and Women

“If you want to move in top circles - you must play a top game!”

Shannon Smith

Our programs are anything from being average or Mediocre!


We have helped thousands of individuals project greater credibility, authority, and personal power.


Your ability to market and sell yourself is your number one asset.  Presenting a confident, credible presence can often be the deciding factor between success and failure!

We assist individuals from sales representatives to the C-suite, entrepreneurs, doctors, lawyers, and young people find out how to package themselves with greater impact and personal power.


We will assist you to position yourself to achieve the next plateau to succeed. 

You will learn the personal brand strategies that are guaranteed to influence others in every sphere of the business and social world.

Whether it’s some major adjustments or simply some soft polishing; a presentation practice or some fine manners tuning we can help you.


In an increasingly competitive world with business conducted globally, standing out from the crowd and making a powerful and lasting impression are more crucial than ever before. No matter what the business, whether it is a visual position or not, presenting an attractive and attracting professional presence plays a vital role in your success now and in the future.

Smart marketers know that “the right packaging” is essential in selling any product.

Like it or not, in only 7 seconds, you are constantly on show, as clients, employers, colleagues and friends watch and keep score!

The world is changing at an alarming rate…Are You? First impressions are instantaneous and irreplaceable!

We provide the advice, knowledge and the strategies , using the acceptable principles of leadership, communication, presentation skills, appropriate attire and grooming, manners, etiquette and dining events, we have helped thousands of individuals project greater credibility, authority and personal power.

 We can help you too :

No matter what the business, whether it is in a visible position or not, presenting a unique, attractive, and inviting professional presence plays a vital role in your success now and in the future.

You may have exceptional expertise, innovative ideas, a business, but if your personal packaging leaves something to be desired, you will not realize your full potential or success.

Your personal coaching will assist you:

When you complete your personal coaching you will have:

The Transformational Portfolio

For Men and Women

"Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."

George Bernard Shaw

Please review only a few of the amazing individuals we have worked with over the years at success stories.

They wanted to create a personal brand presence and manner to reflect their unique talents to gain the success they desired. 

Our training helped them shift the balance of power in their favor. They learned how to position themselves to achieve the next plateau in their personal and business lives.

"Personal Branding – It’s our business!"

Shannon Smith

To further enhance our dynamic programs, we have an elite group of experts to assist us such as:

Personal Brand Audit

“First Impressions are instantaneous and irreplaceable!”

Shannon Smith

Send out Your Best Silent Message!
“The first impression is the only impression that counts – and the only one that lasts.”

Competition is fierce and smart individuals are arming themselves with the winning strategies and knowledge to consistently present with confidence and class.

We live in a visual society where right or wrong – how you present yourself is vital to success.


This is your opportunity to experience my coaching first hand with minimal investment.

One and a half hours of confidential coaching

Coaching topics:

In addition you will receive:

Project more confidence, credibility and success!

Our programs will

“Transform you from unnoticed to unforgettable.”

To further enhance our dynamic programs, we have an elite group of experts to assist us such as:

Please contact us for more information.
Our programs are

Your Passport to success in the era of excellence!

Please do not hesitate to content with me to discuss our programs.


The Personal Brand Coaching

“The Personal Brand you project is shaping your destiny. You can't change what you don't see.”

Orson Wells - Director/Writer/Author

Become more cultured, witty, stylish and successful!


Value added:

Please note:

The investment does not include any services such as hair styling, color, makeup, purchases, travel, etc.

To further enhance our dynamic programs, we have an elite group of experts to assist us such as:

Please contact us for more information.
Our programs are

Your Passport to success in the era of excellence!

Please do not hesitate to content with me to discuss our programs.


The Bronze Program

“Getting ahead requires avid belief in yourself.”

Elinor Roosevelt

“It’s a fact….humans think visually. You create a brand that is distinct or you become extinct.”

Tom Peters - Author, In Search of Excellence

We live in a visual society where right or wrong – personal branding is vital to progressive leadership.
Today your personal brand is not only
Your signature – it is your competitive advantage!

If you want to:

Then you will understand that presenting a unique, polished professional brand is not only critical for personal satisfaction but bottom-line results as well.

“Presence and manner affect how others judge our intelligence, honesty and character.”

Shannon Smith

Perception is reality!

Find out how you are being perceived and what your “executive brand” is saying about you.

Your personal confidential coaching includes:

In addition you will receive a:

Please note:

During this session, we invite you to use videotaping to provide a reference for your future review. We are happy to further customize your coaching to suit your specific requirements.

Time:     25 hours of personal coaching

               scheduled to suit you

Plus:    1 hour telephone/zoom call

You will also receive an Autographed copy of Shannon’s book Power Manners 

"We pride ourselves on complete confidentiality."

Project more confidence, credibility and power!

Our coaching programs will

“Transform you from Unnoticed to Unforgettable!”

To further enhance our dynamic programs, we have an elite group of experts to assist us such as:

Please contact us for more information.
Our programs are

Your Passport to success in the era of excellence!

Please do not hesitate to content with me to discuss our programs.


To further enhance our dynamic programs, we have an elite group of experts to assist us such as:

Please contact us for more information.
Our programs are

Your Passport to success in the era of excellence!

Please do not hesitate to content with me to discuss our programs.


Silver Program

“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”

Pablo Picasso

For Polished Profesionals who understand that their personal Brand is their signature

This Program includes Silver program:


The Power Lunch

Value added:

The investment does not include:

To further enhance our dynamic programs, we have an elite group of experts to assist us such as:

Please contact us for more information.
Our programs are

Your Passport to success in the era of excellence!

Please do not hesitate to content with me to discuss our programs.


The Gold Program

“Trust not the heart of the man for whom old clothes are not venerable.”

Thomas Carlyle

For those individuals who want to communicate with class, clarity and savior faire.

For Executives, Entrepreneurs, Sales Professionals, Coaches, and Speakers.

Executive Communication Skills

This Program includes Bronze & Silver program


An Eight Course Dinner



The investment does not include:

To further enhance our dynamic programs, we have an elite group of experts to assist us such as:

Please contact us for more information.
Our programs are

Your Passport to success in the era of excellence!

Please do not hesitate to content with me to discuss our programs.


The Platinum Program

"Exceptional Coaching for Exceptional people!"

Pablo Picasso

Exceptional Coaching for Exceptional people!

For high-level executives, entrepreneurs, and coaches.

This program is specifically designed for those who desire “the personal charisma” to break down barriers

and draw others to them like a magnet.


The focus of this program:

Investment does not include:  


As well as:

Please note:

Please contact us for more information.
Our programs are

Your Passport to success in the era of excellence!

Please do not hesitate to content with me to discuss our programs.
